Friday, August 28, 2009

Getting weird..???

Getting weird..????
i'm getting weird.
(its a statement)
am i..?
oo man!!!
whats happening..?
these few days..
i admit..
i. am. weird.
sepatah kata mek n fali..
salah satu sndrom h1n1
ialah berkelakuan aneh..
yeke..??? x caye la..
well..dunno why
but i feel different ah..
masuk bilik pon x bnyk ckp..smpai roommate sume pelik je
cz aku la yg plg bising all the time..
aku diam time aku tido..n time aku solat je..
time2 lain mmg suare aku je la..
but after i received a call from X!@#$??
huh! body temperature getting hot..
sape ntah yg buat call merepek tuhh..
dah lupe..
all of sudden..week tu jd week plg senyap ah..
ceh..sampai roommate ingt aku marah kt diorg..
well..kpd roommate2 ku yg terchenta..
aku x marah kt korg as korg pon tau aku x reti nk marah2 org..
im just...haiyoo tatau nk ckp cmne..
maybe at that time, hormone x stabil kot..
apaper je la..
boley roommate aku ingt aku gadoh ngn boyfriend..?!!
cehs..ape punye tanggapan daa..
aku x maen r weh..buayafriend n gelifriend nih..
"lovers they may cause u tears"
btol ke..?
is it?
sndiri mau tau la beb..
conclusion kt sini ialah..